Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day Weekend for some is the perfect time for friends and family to honor loved ones who have served their country.  For others, this national holiday is the unofficial start of their summer.  But for most, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died serving our country.


This day is not just a time for grief; it is a time to celebrate peace and sacrifice.  You can find several celebratory events happening in pretty much any community.  Take the family to a watch a parade, visit and places flags at a local cemetery, or attend a Memorial Day festival.  This is also the perfect time to honor our veterans and say “Thank You”.


No matter where you are or what you are doing, please, take the time to be thankful for your freedom.  Whether you want to honor a fallen soldier or celebrate peace, Memorial Day Weekend is a time for remembrance and thanksgiving. 




Thursday, May 26, 2011

Memorial Day thought...

As we near the Memorial Day weekend,  I wanted to ask all of you in your own way to say a prayer,  save a quite moment or just give thanks to all the fallen. Whatever your thoughts may be of the wars and the losses, the soldier follows orders and must believe them to be just.


Their families know this day.  Each year it is a National reminder of their loss and the sacrifice that was made by a loved one.  We sometimes overlook what this day is really all about.  Someone died for our freedom, gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we can voice free speech and live in a free society. I personally managed to live beyond the battle field, due to the sacrifice of a brother and saved by other hands.  Memorial Day is a special day for all of us hold it near and dear, just say thank you, I know they are listening and they will never be forgotten.

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend!


Dan Hydrick, CEO

Hygun Group, Inc. a SDVOSB

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Returning a Call....

Can someone please explain to me why someone does not return my call?  Please understand, I am not asking this of someone that does not know me or who is not doing business with me currently, however, I am asking those that are my clients and candidates that I am currently working with.


A call back 36 hours later due to being too "busy" just does not make sense to me.  If we are working together, either I am recruiting on your behalf or you are a recruit, I think it is only professional and a common courtesy to take two minutes to call me back.  I have never had a schedule in which I could not get away to make a call from my cell phone.  A simple phone call while walking to your car, coming back from lunch or on your way home can alleviate many issues or answer some questions that may arise.  There could be a number of reasons for calling and at times the information is critical for either party.  Remember, there is another participant that is dependent on our communication, someone you may even work with in the future.  By not returning a call not only is it a slight to me but towards them as well. 


In our industry, communication is vital to being successful.  So I ask you to, please make a conscientious effort to return your Executive Recruiters calls.  It might just be an opportunity of a lifetime waiting on the other end, but if you get too busy or forget to call me back, you may miss out.