I was at lunch the other day with a very senior candidate that I met for the first time. I was asking her a few questions as to where she had been looking, how she went about her search on her own, how she found the reception, etc. She looked at me and said, "When did hiring authorities become so rude"? Upon further inquiry, she said that during her interviews with several senior ranking officers, she was met with almost a hostile question and answer session; out and out facial expression that almost bordering on insult and just BAD MANNERS. The interviews ended with not so much as a simple courtesy to speak of, such as “thanks for your time.” She has not received a call back on any of the interviews as of today. If nothing more than to say ‘Thank you for coming out”. Let me tell you, this is an experienced individual with amazing contacts, skills and friendly to.
Another young lady had called this week with a similar story. She started out by asking me that if I worked with her could I promise to do two things, One, have the courtesy to return her calls and two tell her if our client is not interested. I assured her I would not leave her out in the cold and asked her why, not knowing me, would she say such a thing? It was as she said, “Out of frustration for the lack of no call backs, interviews without further responses and just lack of civility on behalf of the hiring authorities”.
Wow, some hiring authorities are making me and my company look really good. We have an old saying in my office which is “If you invited them to dinner don't ask them to pay”. Meaning, be respectful of those you are talking to and interviewing....someday you might be the one in that chair. Better yet “What would your Mother think?”