Friday, July 9, 2010

Safe answer for Job Rejection ”Overqualified"

Everyone should be prepared for the "overqualified" question or assumption, during an interview when you feel that is where the interviewer is going or just comes out and says it. Keep this in mind. First, you were chosen out of a stack of resumes, or your relentless networking got you in the door. Great Job so far. Now you're in the interview when the hint of being "overqualified" comes up. FIRST of all, realize that if you are then evaluate the opportunity realistically. You know if you are way out of range or not. Don’t punish the interviewer. However, if the opportunity is RIGHT for you and it is what you are looking for then help the interviewer out and yourself as well.

Now is the time to “Think” about the questions you are about to “ask, not answer”. “I am curious sir/madam, what drew you to my resume or to me in the first place? DO NOT STOP, this is a rhetorical question, YOU ANSWER IT FIRST. It is the infamous Zig Ziglar’s tool that now comes to play; the, “IS IT" technique of closing. As in, IS IT my years of leadership responsibilities, IS IT the amount of design work, IS IT my ability to obtain success through hard work and dedication, etc etc etc. Ending with; "these are much needed skills acquired over time that I believe this opportunity would need and I am excited about bringing them to the table. Don’t’ you agree? Oh yea, ABC...Always Be Closing. Good luck.


If you think the “over qualified” statement comes from your age, well here’s a thought; don’t speak "old", don't act "old", don't be old. Bring the energy and the life with you. Age discrimination is what it is, illegal, and the laws are made to protect us from that. BUT you must address it as a part of your presentation. Overqualified is OK, as I said earlier, the IS IT close can be used anywhere any time. Your year of experience is how you are. Sell it! Just think of the IS IT’s that you can use to get others to think about YOU.

Again my long time sage and mentor had this to say about effort: (and I believe Mr. Ziglar has seen a few sun rises).

This I do know beyond any reasonable doubt. Regardless of what you are doing, if you pump long enough, hard enough and enthusiastically enough, sooner or later the effort will bring forth the reward. Zig Ziglar

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