Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Interviewing: Shopping or Buying?

Hygun Group's Coaching consultant once asked a group of executives a question when they spoke about the 'interviewing' process. "Are you shopping or buying"? she asked. I thought it an unusual question until she explained. You see if we leave our homes to go "SHOPPING" we truly mean we are just going out to browse, compare, try on or test out whatever it is that we are looking to "BUY". But when you are going out to buy, you have done your homework, made up your mind, set your eyes on the target and you are prepared to close the deal. You are seriously going to BUY!

When you go into a store and the clerk says, "May I help you?", most of you say "No, I'm just LOOKING". Right? This is an honest question and you should give yourself and honest answer. So, what are you doing? Are you prepared to "BUY" when opportunity avails itself or are you really just "SHOPPING"? It matters, to everyone.

Have you ever heard the phrase from an employer after the interview, "Well we are looking at several candidates and we will get back to you" or a candidate says "Do you mind if I think it over or talk to my significant other and get back to you?" What did you just hear? Shopping! Yep, not prepared to buy!

Back to that store clerk, he or she knows you came in for something; i.e. to "shop" or to "buy". So, why did you come in the first place? As a candidate or employer, do your homework, there are many tools available to you to "shop", however, when it comes to moment of truth, be respectful and kind. The questions you have asked in preparation is called "shopping" and when you have realized your goal and you are ready to make a decision, that's called "buying".

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