Monday, December 27, 2010

They left and I feel....

Why is it that some employers can be so disingenuous when it comes to their people moving on to a new opportunity?  Can they not appreciate the fact that this person is obviously moving on to an opportunity that is in some way different and better then what they were able to offer, otherwise they would not be leaving.  Why is it that I hear time and again that it is OK that this person left, that they are better off or that they have to go.  If that is the case, why did they not get rid of that person before they resigned?  Why does the negativity come out only after that person resigns and leaves?  Does it not make the company look petty to say those things?  Is this done out of spite to try and damage this persons' reputation?  I think that this is distressing and think that the employer would be better served to be gracious and reasonable and wish the parting employee well in their future endeavors.  Bridges can be burned in both directions.

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