Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Retain an Executive Recruiter?

"Why Retain an Executive Recruiter?”  -  Have you asked yourself this before, when it came down to finding the right candidate for the opportunity you have?
The ads didn’t work, the candidate database you spent A LOT of money on is…. well….monstrous, and you just aren’t getting any good leads from internal referrals in the office, associations, or networking gatherings. The contingency recruiters you have called, and have called you, netted resumes of candidates you have already passed on or don't even fit what you are looking for.  The next big questions are: "Have you looked at what this empty position has now cost you?";  “Have you reviewed the time spent on man hours for interviews, travel expenses, plus all the work that is not getting done while this position remains open?” Well, that kind of answers “why retain an executive recruiter” doesn't it?

With a retained search, the client is guaranteed that there is a team working all day, every day, dedicated to finding the right candidate, as described by the client, for their need, as fast as possible.  A retained search firm’s livelihood is based on their capability to bring the best candidates to the table so their clients can fulfill their hiring needs.  We want our clients to come back again and again knowing we can find what they want.  Retainers also offer the ability to spread out payments on a search, and with multiple retained searches, the client can get discounts for the searches they have open.  The only reason I can see that contingency recruiters are willing to take on searches at a discount is that they simply are not going to put in the time on a search that they would on a retainer.  Otherwise, why would you take on more risk for less return?  My business classes in college taught me that goes against any successful business model.  My guess is they know of a candidate or two in the market that could fit the search requirements, and they can make a few calls.  If that doesn’t pan out, well, they can move on to the next contingency search.  We call it low hanging fruit.
Don’t get me wrong, my firm does recruit on contingency searches, for our retained clients, or clients that we are developing into retained clients.  When we apply our "retained" search methods and benefits to a "contingency" search the clients begin to see the answer to "Why Retain and Executive Recruiter."

I'm always interested in feedback from our recruiting brothers and sisters and clients.  “Why Retain an Executive Recruiter?”

Christian Hydrick
Hygun Group, Inc

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