Thursday, February 10, 2011

What are you making? ~ Why you shouldn't answer that question during an interview....

As a candidate begins their search for a new job opportunity, do they ever wonder what the biggest benefit of using an Executive Recruiter is once they are introduced to a new company?  One benefit in having an executive recruiter market your skills is during the negotiation of the offer package. Your recruiters’ job is to find a fair win/win that makes sense for the candidate and the client.  Often times a potential employer will ask during the interview “What are you making?” or “What are you looking for in a salary?”  Your recruiter will advise you on how to answer or not to answer at all.  Why shouldn’t you answer that question?  Honestly, because you can only hurt yourself.  You have no sense for what the opportunity is worth in the marketplace, what different salaries do to the internal office structure or the mindset of the person asking.  You may have been way underpaid in your current job and unfortunately, the hiring manager might think a 10% bump is fair (just like the old days).  By answering the question without any ‘coaching’ from your executive recruiter, may have just cost you thousands of dollars in salary or additional benefits.  Allowing your recruiter to work on your behalf means you get the right salary/benefits package and no target on your back and the potential employer gets a new employee that feels appreciated.  Contact Hygun Group, Inc. for additional information on the services that we provide.

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