Thursday, May 26, 2011

Memorial Day thought...

As we near the Memorial Day weekend,  I wanted to ask all of you in your own way to say a prayer,  save a quite moment or just give thanks to all the fallen. Whatever your thoughts may be of the wars and the losses, the soldier follows orders and must believe them to be just.


Their families know this day.  Each year it is a National reminder of their loss and the sacrifice that was made by a loved one.  We sometimes overlook what this day is really all about.  Someone died for our freedom, gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we can voice free speech and live in a free society. I personally managed to live beyond the battle field, due to the sacrifice of a brother and saved by other hands.  Memorial Day is a special day for all of us hold it near and dear, just say thank you, I know they are listening and they will never be forgotten.

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend!


Dan Hydrick, CEO

Hygun Group, Inc. a SDVOSB

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